About Me

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A fiction writer and mum to three great kids, also lucky enough to be married to the man of my dreams. In spite of that mushy comment I do not write flowery romance - I like a nice helping of real life grit in my work. I have a Diploma in Literature & Creative Writing from The Open University and remain a member of the wonderful Watford Writers, despite moving on several times. I am a big fan of Swanwick Writers Summer School which has taught me a great deal and where I have made many great friends. I have yet to reach the dizzy heights of becoming a published superstar but will continue to send my work out into the world.

Friday 22 June 2012


Now this is unusual for me - updating my blog in the afternoon rather than the evening.  I have tried a different writing routine this week, suggested by Carl and must admit it has worked wonderfully.  I have managed to catch up with those poor neglected writing projects, revise and 99% complete a short story ready to be sent out into the world of WOMAG and manged to keep the house looking nice.

Some of you may shrug but a comment Carl made last week really got me thinking: 'Are you are writer who also has domestic chores? Or, are you a housewife whose hobby is writing?'  Well, that certainly made me think about where my priorities should lie - and you guessed it, writing came out on top.  Through using my time carefully I have managed both and I'm a lot happier for it.  Now I'm not saying I have become house proud but the way the house looks now I wouldn't be mortified if an unexpected guess turned up.

And as for writing, I love it.  I am feeling so enthusiastic at the moment even the rejection for a 'TAB Readers Tip' which arrived this morning didn't get me down.  Onwards and upwards fellow scribblers.

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