About Me

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A fiction writer and mum to three great kids, also lucky enough to be married to the man of my dreams. In spite of that mushy comment I do not write flowery romance - I like a nice helping of real life grit in my work. I have a Diploma in Literature & Creative Writing from The Open University and remain a member of the wonderful Watford Writers, despite moving on several times. I am a big fan of Swanwick Writers Summer School which has taught me a great deal and where I have made many great friends. I have yet to reach the dizzy heights of becoming a published superstar but will continue to send my work out into the world.

Monday, 31 October 2011

Manic Monday

Such a disaster with the change in the clocks!!  For some reason (best known to Hubby) the alarm went off and we got up at 4:30 am and we didn't catch on until after we had both showered.  Needless to say we were not impressed but decided to stay up anyway.

Tonight is a social night at the amazing Watford Writers and I have given myself a flash fiction task - 500 words with a spooky theme.  Finished that by lunchtime so I am ready for tonight.  I am not saying it's a masterpeice but I do want to enter into the spirit of things.

The postman has proved he is not an endangered species by posting something through the letterbox today - BUT it was just a pizza menu.  Come on DVLA and TABFF the suspense is killing me.

Friday, 28 October 2011

Frantic Friday

Went swimming with daughter no. 2 as planned and then rushed home to give my NAWG entry the final tweaks.  Really I should have done all this at the start of the week but somehow my week didn't pan out quite as I expected.  Anyway, my NAWG entry is now sat in a big white sack at the post office waiting to be delivered.  Let's hope the postman who delivers that isn't the same postman who blatanty refuses to put anything through my letter box.  Yes, you guessed it NO post again.

I am off out tonight with a friend of mine.  Nothing wild just all girls together, I mean what could possibly happen?  Could be a story there?

I am planning to take things easy on the writing front this weekend after my heavy week.  I fancy curling up with a cup of hot chocolate, daughter no. 2 (as no.1) is away and watching a good old Christmas film.

Thursday, 27 October 2011

Thoughtful Thursday

I was in the shop today and we were really busy we even sold two wedding dresses!  Okay, they were for fancy dress Halloween parties but a sale is a sale - and it all helps the hospice.

Minimal amount of work done on the creative front today. By the time I got back from the shop and had a wrap for my luch I just couldn't muster up any enthusiasm to be creative.

As Im sure you have guessed already there was NO post again today.  I think I might lay in wait for Postie in the morning just to see if he is ignoring our house!

Hubby got paid today so I will be off swimming tomorrow with daughter 2 (9 yrs) and she is really excited about it.  I will do my best to squeeze myself into my costume and quickly submerge myself into the pool before panic takes hold.

Wednesday, 26 October 2011

Wicked Wednesday

Worked most of the day on my entry for the NAWG competition and I am really pleased with it.  I am hoping it will stand out from the other entries as the subject matter is unusual.

Alas. (I should find another word), NO post for me again today.  I am telling myself that no news is good news but it is so frustrating waiting to hear from the DVLA.  I know it will be a while before I hear back from TABFF but that doesn't stop me dreaming about seeing my name in print.

I have started a small pad of ideas for short stories so I don't forget the idea's because sometimes they pop into my head at the strangest of times.  Like today, I was sitting in the doctors waiting room reading a gardening magazine which was about three years old when a brilliant idea for a story popped into my head.  Thankfully I had my little pink notepad with me and jotted it down before it could slip away.  Im sure the elderly lady opposite me thought I was making notes on her hat which had seen better days.

Tuesday, 25 October 2011

Typing Tuesday

Today has been a really good day for me.  I have finished my short story (at last) I will now put it to one side until the end of the week before I review it once more then I can decided where to send it.

I started work on my entry for the NAWG competiton and managed just over 2000 words.  It is not my usual style but then I think it's good to dip your toe into different waters occasionally.  I need to finish it and have it sent off for Thursday.  This will be the first competition (apart from watford writers) I have entered in quite some time.  Hence leaving things to the last minute.

And what news from the postman?  Nothing, not even a bill or any junk mail.  Fingers crossed for tomorrow.

Monday, 24 October 2011

Mighty Monday pt 2

Alas - no post today.  The postman walked straight past without a glance.

A pretty slow day today as the children are on half term and I am still feeling below parr.  Had a mooch around the net and found a few competitions I might enter.  It's good practice to meet deadlines and a challenege in itself.  As soon as I haved decided which one(s) to enter I will be sure to let you know.

I have decided to miss Watford Writers tonight as my head feels like it is stuffed with cotton wool and it is such an effort to think clearly.

I think an early night could be a good idea to get me back on my feet.  I may have to record 'Young Apprentice' I love Alan Sugar.

Wobbly Weekend

A quick catch up for those of you (if any) thought I had dropped of the planet at the weekend.  Was I away on a romantic weekend in Paris or Rome?  A weekend at a top Spa?  Retails Therapy?  No such luck.  I will spare you all the details but I was under the weather - I spent most of Saturday in bed.  Enough detail.  I will be back later to give you a full account of 'Mighty Monday'.

Friday, 21 October 2011

Fank Goodness for Friday

A pretty slow day workwise - worked on my story and I would say it is 99% done now.  This story has been a long slog but I wasn't going to let it get away from me.  Let's hope all the work pays off.

Didn't feel that bright today really but then there are a lot of bugs around.  I have been invited out next Friday night which I am looking forward to.  After being in Watford a year I still only have a handful of friends so if I don't make any next week perhaps there will be a story in it.

Still no news for me from the post, I had hoped to hear something from the DVLA by now but that's the way the cookie crumbles I suppose.  Anyhow, I am looking forward to a relaxing weekend and spending some time with my family.

Thursday, 20 October 2011

Tough Thursday

I was up with the lark this morning see hubby off to Bristol and I must tell you it was really, really cold.  But then hubby won't suffer because he has heated seats in the car.

I was in the shop today,  Thurday is the day I help out in the Peace Hospice shop in town.  As usual there was lots of sorting to do and we managed a laugh or two over a cup of tea and biscuits.

Very tired today so took the lazy route and we had fish & chips for tea although I didn't hear any complaints about it.  I am getting those pains in my feet again so I intend to put them up tonight.

No writing done today but lots of thinking.  Will I or won't I finish my short story by the weekend?

Wednesday, 19 October 2011

Working Wednesday

Today was much better work-wise.  I refuse to let the short story I have been working on beat me.  I spent a couple of hours on it this morning and now I am a lot happier with it.  It might even be ready by the end of the week.

I bumped into the PTA chairperson this morning and she was fine about me missing the meeting.  I am sure she was genuine so I don't feel bad about it now.

Alas, there was no post again today.  So no news on the driving license front or any news from TABFF but then some would say 'no news is good news'.  Only time will tell.

Felt like some comfort food for dinner so me and hubby decided on cornish pasty, chips and beans, very fattening I know but a little of what you fancy and all that...

Tuesday, 18 October 2011

Chilly Tuesday

The walk to school this morning certainly blew the cobwebs away, very cold and blustery here in Watford.  Yesterday didn't go as planned at all.  An old school friend of mine came to visit and we spent all day chatting and drinking coffee.  I forgot about the PTA meeting so I will have some grovelling when I next see the chairperson.  But I have to say, being with my friends was important to me and I enjoyed the company.

The postman still hasn't delivered any good news and actually, today he didn't deliver anything at all.  So I am still on tenterhooks.

My 95% completed short story is still just that.  As hard as I tried today I just couldn't get into my stride so I did some more research on other writer's blogs and interesting websites and found some very interesting ones.  A few of them look a bit dodgy but then that's what research is for isn't it.

Monday, 17 October 2011

Short Story Complete

Happy Monday.

I have just completed a short story I have been working o for Take a Breaks Fiction feast.  Well I say completed, lets say 95% done.  What happens now is I let my hubby read it. Usually this results in quite an animated discussion - but we love each other so no grudges are held.

This afternoon I am off to a PTA meeting at my daughters primary school.  They are short on numbers so I said I would go along.  These days PTA's are supposed to be fun.  Less of the Mac and headscarf brigade and more of the ankle boots and leather jacket girls.  I'll let you know how it went.

The postman hasn't been yet so Im still hanging on for news about my driving license - and a story I sent to TABFF (Take a Breaks Fiction Feast) a few weeks back.  So lrt's hope he hurries up.  Anything good in the post and I will let you all know.

This evening I am off to Watford Writer's.  I so enjoy my Monday nights now plus I am still basking in my delight and being placed 2nd in our flash fiction competition.

Sunday, 16 October 2011

Sunday Afternoon

Spent a few hours watching television with my daughter (9) before she went off to do her homework and I sat down to design myself a new funky top from a plain grey long sleeved t-shirt.  Im a little nervous about tomorrow regarding the post, I am waiting to hear from the DVLA.  I was diagnosed with Epilepsy last year so I surrendered my license.  My last seizure was last October so I have filled in the appropriate forms and am now playing the waiting game.  Fingers crossed.

Hello and welcome to my blog

My hubby has helped, well actually, constructed this blog for me after weeks of nagging me to do it myself.  I am a writer, mainly of short stories despite a long life wish to write a novel.  I belong to a wonderful writing group Watford Writers who have made me feel very welcome and encouraged me to persevere. 

Since the summer when I was fortunate enough to attend the Swanwick Writer's Summer School my confidence has returned.  To date I am doing well and have come 2nd place in two competitions in two weeks.  Ok, so they have been local competitions but it has lifted my spirits considerably as well as fuelled my determination to get a story published in a magazine.