About Me

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A fiction writer and mum to three great kids, also lucky enough to be married to the man of my dreams. In spite of that mushy comment I do not write flowery romance - I like a nice helping of real life grit in my work. I have a Diploma in Literature & Creative Writing from The Open University and remain a member of the wonderful Watford Writers, despite moving on several times. I am a big fan of Swanwick Writers Summer School which has taught me a great deal and where I have made many great friends. I have yet to reach the dizzy heights of becoming a published superstar but will continue to send my work out into the world.

Monday, 20 February 2012

Monday, Monday...

Not a very productive day I'm afraid.  I have had a lot of ideas for competitions entries and new short stories but haven't actually produced anything.

I spent the weekend with my Mum again and she is much better I'm pleased to say.  She has to keep the traction brace on her leg for a further month but her mobility is much better.

The kids are back at school tomorrow so after a speedy clean up operation I plan to get very busy with my pen and pad.  Here's hoping that all goes to plan.