About Me

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A fiction writer and mum to three great kids, also lucky enough to be married to the man of my dreams. In spite of that mushy comment I do not write flowery romance - I like a nice helping of real life grit in my work. I have a Diploma in Literature & Creative Writing from The Open University and remain a member of the wonderful Watford Writers, despite moving on several times. I am a big fan of Swanwick Writers Summer School which has taught me a great deal and where I have made many great friends. I have yet to reach the dizzy heights of becoming a published superstar but will continue to send my work out into the world.

Friday 18 January 2013

Too Much Thinking...

I've come to the conclusion that too much thinking is bad for you.  Yesterday I hardly got any writing done at all due to considering Degrees/MA's.  So today I have broken it down.  Before I could consider an MA I would need to finish my degree, I'm looking at 2-3 years for that.  I can do nothing this year as I need to put some money by.  As we all now tuition fees are horrendous.  So, getting bogged down by too much thinking was counteractive for me.

I have decided to make a rough plan of where I want to be and when - nothing concrete mind, I am a woman and may change my mind.  So, in the meantime I will carry on with my fiction writing.  I have drafted a new story this week too - so I am managing to keep to my new regime.

I suppose the big question is - what do I want more?  To learn about creative writing or to be doing it?

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